REALLY need an exhaust fan/cooling system in my MCC room?
05 Nov 2022

Do I really need an exhaust fan/cooling system in my MCC room ?

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Do I really need an exhaust fan/cooling system in my MCC room ?
Many older factory today still don't have exhaust fan/cooling system in the MCC room.
Do I really need an exhaust fan/cooling system in my MCC room?
Do we need an exhaust fan/cooling system?
Can we get away with just opening a window when we need to let out some steam or clear the air?
The answer is YES you do need one and here are the reasons why:
It controls humidity. Condensation builds up fast during hot weather and raining .
An exhaust fan/cooling system sucks in the moisture and prevents mold build up in corners and crevices of your MCC room.
This is a kind favor meant to help the noses of anyone who goes in or near the exhaust fan/cooling system after well…you know.
Moisture build-up can cause electronic equipment and can cause mildew that will ruin the power supply.
An exhaust fan will help preserve the life of your electrical/ electronic equipment. Prevents mold and mildew.
An exhaust fan helps remove a large amount of moisture that would otherwise settle to create mildew and mold.
Provides ventilation. the exhaust fan/ cooling system sucks it all out to keep it cool.
Adding an exhaust fan/ cooling system to your MCC room is the best way to ensure a efficient long operating life.
It is important to have one installed by a trained and licensed electrician.